Community Dynamics: Expansive Interactions and Partial Familiarity with Educational Model

Reported Highlights from December 2022 and January 2023 - Community Pulse Surveys

Reviewing findings from the two most recent Possip pulse surveys in December 2022 and January 2023, several findings are noteworthy based on the responses of 363 members of the community (169 in December and 194 in January).

Overall sentiment continues to track consistently within a band where the number of respondents characterizing themselves as ‘unhappy’ hovers in the teens (17% in December and 12% in January. A majority of respondents generally describe themselves as ‘happy’ and more than one-third consistently perceive themselves as ‘mostly happy.’ 

Assessing two distinct but related aspects of the relationship between parents/caregivers and the school, we see a solid majority of respondents reporting “valuable interactions” and one-third describe themselves as being ‘very familiar’ with the “educational model.”  More specifically and as indicated below, 60% of respondents reported in December that they had already had more than four valuable interactions with the school - and 15% mentioned eight or more such interactions. Seven percent reported having had no valuable interactions.

Regarding “familiarity with the educational model,” a plurality of respondents in January characterize themselves as ‘somewhat familiar’ with the remaining respondents split: 34% being ‘very familiar’ and 15% ‘not familiar.’  While the survey did not seek to establish a baseline for the extent to which respondents want to be familiar with the model, we see opportunities for the school to expand understanding and further enhance interactions through “education about education.”

Finally, we call attention to a shift in topical concerns in the two-month span covered by the surveys reported here. The comparative graphic below shows a four-fold increase in comments about academic issues and the curriculum (from 8% to 34%) and a three-fold rise in comments volunteered about schedules and activities. Notably, concerns about staffing also dropped significantly.

Please keep an eye out for another survey in February. In keeping with past practices, we will complement these quick ‘pulse’ surveys with a more in-depth survey in early Spring. We are very grateful to everyone who has completed one or more Possip surveys and encourage everyone to do so.  

If you have questions that are very specific about an issue related to your child/ren’s day at school (about meals, assignments, late arrivals, and so forth) please address them directly to the appropriate member of the staff using Direct Messages in Parent Square. To see who best to contact with personal questions, please visit the “Who to go for What” in English or Spanish. Because it takes time to read and analyze all the Possip comments, contacting the appropriate person on staff at the school will more likely ensure that you receive a response within 48 hours.