March Possip Survey Results

Research conclusively demonstrates that student success is tightly correlated with family/school collaboration, where classroom work is supported and encouraged by parents and caregivers.  While true with academic learning itself, this is equally true with the development of critically important social/emotional skills that also create the capacity for that academic progress.

As indicated below, a small plurality of respondents are ‘somewhat familiar’ with what children are doing and learning in class. Those who indicate they are more fully “familiar” outnumber by almost 2:1 those who are “not familiar.” That almost one quarter of respondents are not familiar, identifies a clear opportunity to further engage and inform many parents and caregivers. In our current situation, which prevents parents and caregivers from actually visiting classrooms, the extensive use of digital communications has nonetheless successfully enabled nearly 80% of respondents to feel either familiar or mostly familiar with the classroom work of students.